Customer Testimonials

Linda G

Very professional service for my SLK200. Rachel on reception very friendly and helpful. Have digital service records. Excellent value – almost half price of Mercedes main dealer.

Gary C

We use ACMS Mercedes for our fleet of vans and have always found the service to be excellent and very good quality.

Frank W

The friendliest and best Mercedes service people!!

Lucy M

Fantastic service from start to finish . Honest family business offering a great service at an honest price .

Raj P

This is the first time I used Mark – he was exceptional – he found and repaired a fault that others had misdiagnosed. I would not hesitate to recommend him to other Mercedes owners. A highly knowledgeable and friendly guy.

Richard S

Discovered ACMS in June after exiting expensive Mercedes franchised service contract. Superb service on a 10 year old E Class estate – rear brake pipes replaced, MOT tester at Fleetcare said he’d never seen a better job. Seized glow plugs replaced – tricky job done efficiently at surprisingly low cost. Highly recommended, and great people as well! Richard S.

Alan W

Brilliant service. Excellent work. Friendly staff. There is no need to go anywhere else if you own a Merc!

Bella A

Excellent service. No one knows their way round a Merc better than Marc. Wouldn’t go anywhere else!